Snemei Pink Magic krim 3 pcs set - 1 menit untuk bibir pink muda alami!!
HOT PRODUCT 2009 !!! Populer di Korea! Cherry Blossom PINK MAGIC
@ Alami, 8 detik alami warna PINK. Hasil cepat dan jelas dan permanen utk pemakaian teratur. Makanan, air minum tanpa rasa malu karena warna menempel di gelas atau alat makan Anda !!
@ Rumus paten formulasi Profesor Kim dari Korea, bekerjasama dengan Amerika Serikat bio-pusat penelitian genetik, teknologi tinggi bio-ekstraksi.
@ Tanpa pigmen buatan - kesehatan alami.
Kemasan berisi 3 item :
(1) LB bibir balm (Lip Balm) × 10 ml
(2) PK Cream (Pink Magic) × 10 ml
(3) SG Gloss (Shining Gel) × 10 ml
Komposisi alami :
Cherry ekstrak, balsam, lanolin, vitamin E, dll
1) Bibir: (pagi dan sore setiap kali 1x)
Oleskan LB balm bibir (Lip Balm), dan kemudian gosok lapisan tipis merata Pink Magic lalu terakhir Shining Gel . Bibir pink alami jadi milik Anda
Tips Kecantikan:
Untuk hasil bibir lebih glamour, usapkan pensil bibir lalu oleskan PINK MAGIC, lalu oleskan Shinning Gel, apabila sore hari warna sudah mulai memudar, oleskan Shinning Gel saja untuk warna natural .
(2) bagian dari putting dan alat kelamin: (setiap hari 1 kali)
Gunakan hanya MAGIC PINK saja, dan biarkan menyerap selama 20-30 menit. Warna pink alami akan jadi milik Anda !!!
Pink Magic akan merangsang warna alami pink bibir /putting / kelamin Anda, sehingga warna akan permanent setelah pemakaian dalam jangka waktu lama dan teratur.
Penggunaan periode: 1-2 kali per hari, selama 3 bulan, 6 bulan dapat dipertahankan, melanjutkan penggunaan setengah tahun, dapat dipertahankan sampai dengan 1 tahun.
Tidak boleh untuk : wanita hamil dan menyusui.
Q : Snemei Pink produk darimana?
A : Dia adalah dari Korea, Profesor Kim Kosmetika Co, Ltd dalam hubungannya dengan Amerika Gene Pusat Penelitian Biologi, penelitian ilmiah terbaru berhasil mengembangkan formula dipatenkan.
Q : Komposisi Snemei apa saja? Apakah bahan-bahan alami itu?
A : Cherry ekstrak, balsam, gliserin, lanolin, vitamin E.
Tidak mengandung hormon juga, air raksa dan logam berat lainnya, semua produk alami, bukan lipbalm biasa, tapi sangat berkualitas. Produk yang paling alami, menggunakan teknologi ekstraksi berteknologi tinggi biologis, diekstraksi di pabrik cherry antosianin dan menggunakan teknologi liposome unik untuk mengekstrak cherry alam ,faktor aktif dalam nano-partikel, bebas dari unsur-unsur berbahaya, sangat aman untuk penggunaan jangka panjang.
Q : Apa efek dari Snemei Pink?
A : Snemei Pink memiliki peran ganda, pertama, mulai penyerapan subkutan diri-sintesis hemoglobin, yang kedua adalah di bibir merah muda terbentuk pada permukaan kulit pelindung bibir Anda. Bisa dipakai untuk bibir, puting dan embuat sirkulasi halus, menghilangkan deposisi pigmen hitam, pemakaian teratur untuk membentuk sebuah bibir merah muda alami. Dia dengan cepat dapat menghilangkan warna bibir hitam, bibir gelap, bibir putih dan bibir anemia, warna Snemei Pink adalah warna bibir alami, dan memperbaiki garis-garis halus kering, membuat bibir lembut dan halus, seksi menarik.
Q: Bagaimana cara menggunakan Snemei Pink?
A: Usap lipbalm ke bibir, lalu pink Magic, terakkhir baru Shinning Gel. Apabila Pink Magic sudah hilang di sore hari, boleh diusap ulang, atau hanya tambahkan Shinning Gel untuk hasil yang alami.
Q : Berapa lama hasil akan tercapai bila rutin menggunakan Snemei Pink?
Q: Anda dapat menggunakan Snemei Pink 6-9 bulan, selama 6-9 bulan extract cherry akan bekerja untuk memperbaiki texture warna bibir yang hitam, bibir gelap, bibir putih dan bibir anemia.
A : Apakah Snemei Pink cocok untuk semua orang?
Q : Produk ini berbahan alami, tidak berbahaya, bisa dipakai oleh wanita dan pria. Saat menyusui dilarang menggunakan Snemei Pink di puting.
A : Bagaimana tahapan pemakaian Snemei Pink?
Bibir :
Bersihkan bibir anda, ulaskan lipbalm, biarkan 1 menit, lalu usapkan Pink Magic, terakhir usapkan Shinning Gel. Pemakaian 1-2 kali sehari, terus menerus secara teratur selama 3-6 bulan, pemakaian di atas 1 tahun akan membuat bibir Anda merah alami.
Puting dan alat kelamin:
Usapkan Pink Magic saja, dan biarkan 30 menit atau sampe terserap sempurna.
Co, Ltd Korea, Profesor Kim-seperti dalam kaitannya dengan Amerika Biologi Gene Research Center, berhasil mengembangkan, kepemilikan campuran dari penelitian ilmiah terbaru, menggunakan teknologi ekstraksi hi-tech biologis, diekstraksi dalam faktor tanaman murni warna cherry cherry Gan, warna putih, jernih, oleh meter kubik Top microencapsulated dapat dengan cepat mengaktifkan warna bibir dan putting.
Q: Snemei cherry Nenhong where the product?
She is from Korea, Professor Kim Cosmetics Co., Ltd. in conjunction with the American Biological Gene Research Centre, the latest scientific research successfully developed patented formula.
Q: Snemei cherry Nenhong compositions, by what? Is the natural ingredients it?
Cherry extract, balsam, glycerin, lanolin, vitamin E.
Does not contain hormones as well as lead, mercury and other heavy metals, is a natural product, not the lipstick is worth a lipstick.
She is the most natural products, using high-tech biological extraction technology, extracted in pure plant cherry cherry anthocyanin activity factor and uses a unique liposome technology to extract natural cherry Nenhong active factor in nano-particles in the parcel , color white, crystal clear, free of harmful elements, import sound, long-term use.
Q: Snemei cherry Nenhong What is the effect?
Snemei cherry Nenhong have a dual role, first, start subcutaneous absorption of self-synthesis of hemoglobin, the second is in the pink lips formed on the surface protective film. Is the most available products, she quickly started lips, areola, nipples, inner thighs and body skin of any one of the self-synthesis of hemoglobin, and make it smooth circulation, drain away the black pigment deposition, so that the wiping of the Department formed within 1 minute skin pink protective film, a natural powder-run Nenhong, self-absorbed start subcutaneous pigment synthesis; and long after use to form a natural pink lips. She can quickly make black lips, dark lips, white lips and anemic lips, lip response melanoma natural Nenhong, and repair dry fine lines, making lips soft and smooth, chiseled, sexy attractive.
Q: Snemei cherry Nenhong precautions when using what?
A: After 20-30 minutes, paint, do not deliberately wipe, red lips so as not to affect the curing effect. Sometimes paint finished the morning one in the afternoon you can just apply a layer of lip balm natural Nenhong surfaced once again.
Q: You can use a Snemei cherry Nenhong how long the effect of using a post on how to achieve?
A: You can use a Snemei cherry Nenhong up 6-9 months, as long as 6-9 months can be used to keep the powder run Nenhong year.
Her natural plant juices can quickly make black lips, dark lips, white lips and anemic lips, lip response melanoma natural Nenhong, and repair dry fine lines, sharp lip skin damage, making lips soft and smooth, chiseled, sexy seductive .
Q: Snemei cherry Nenhong fit people have?
A: This product is a natural cherry pure plant extracts, lead, mercury and other harmful heavy metals and chemical pigment; entrance harmless for any person, regardless of both men and women long-term use. In particular, after the President is more applicable to nursing. President may suspend the use of breast-feeding.
Q: Snemei cherry Nenhong to use?
A: Lips:
Clean lip, the first layer you put on some commonly used lip balm, and then put on some thin evenly Snemei, and finally put on some lip balm.
After paint, began to take effect within 1 minute, natural Nenhong or see. After 20-30 minutes, paint, do not deliberately wipe, red lips so as not to affect the curing effect. Sometimes paint finished the morning one in the afternoon you can just apply a layer of lip balm natural Nenhong surfaced once again.
1-2 times a day, continuously for 3 months, 6 months Nenhong sustainable; continued use of the six months before and after 1 year can be maintained Nenhong.
Beauty Tip: Want to make more perfect lip can be painted lip with lip liner, then gently put on some Snemei, finally put on some lip balm, lip gloss instantly perfect present. Sooner or later to use all once.
Nipple and areola, genitals:
Apply when those places, only without the need to apply Snemei apply lip balm. As a very distinguished Nenhong effect, but only with a small amount, would have a direct or paint with the cotton swab inside the areola in the black, do not paint out of bounds, the effect is even more perfect. Do not deliberately smear after smear, can be absorbed naturally air-dry for 20 minutes, also with a hairdryer blowing directly 2-3 minutes, until completely absorbed hand-to-wear underwear was so stained clothing, paint these parts when the same as the paint on the lips can be directly coated paint, the pink fingers touch skin, so avoid clothing stained fingers.
As Snemei will stimulate the skin pigment synthesis of self Nenhong, when a continuous paint areola, nipples, genitals after 3 months, even after 3 months does not apply, will continue to show the natural Nenhong.
Co., Ltd. of Korea, Professor Kim-like chemicals in conjunction with the American Biological Gene Research Center, successfully developed, proprietary blend of the latest scientific research, using hi-tech biological extraction technology, extracted in pure plant factor cherry cherry color Gan, color white, crystal clear, by the Top cubic meter microencapsulated can quickly activate the lips, areola, nipples, labia and inner thighs, and body skin of any one of the self-synthesis of hemoglobin, and smooth circulation, the black sink to drain away the house of pigment, so that the paint on the skin of 1 minute in a natural powder-run Nenhong. Nenhong areola restoration to women, genital Nenhong! You do not care for genital cosmetic surgery beauty and areola with the pain and trouble. As bear fruit quickly, obviously, durable, natural health nor artificial pigment, the market in South Korea after the Korean women wind friction, a record 3 days to sell a record breaking 50,000.
At present, many for the sake of long-term Nenhong Ms. hesitate to endure the pain pattern lip with a needle. Pink Magic Ms. Amy brought the R & D for the big and good news. Lip lines no longer need to go to acupuncture, Pink Magic painless, no needles, colorless material, the natural plant juice fast Nenhong black lips, dark lips, white lips and anemic lips, lip melanoma, and can repair more than dry grain, sharp lip skin damage, but also your natural health, the effect lasting sexy lips. Whether eating, drinking, face wash, a bath is no marking of embarrassment.
◆ Tips:
1.Snemei Nenhong factors: take 1 to 2mm Nenhong factor applied to the lips, 1 minute immediately turn into pink, 5 minutes, and then wipe not fade.
2. Used in the areola and thigh, just painted Snemei Nenhong factors.
3. Proposed to buy two sets of users simultaneously, one for lips, one for other parts.
◆ Storage: Store in a cool place and avoid direct sunlight
◆ Effective period: three years
◆ Note: when using different body parts as possible to buy two sets.
◆ application of skin: no skin are applicable.
Co., Ltd. from Korea, Professor Kim of like products in conjunction with the American Biological Gene Research Center, successfully developed, proprietary blend of the latest scientific research, using hi-tech biological extraction technology, extracted in pure plant factor cherry cherry color Gan, color white, crystal clear, can quickly activate the lips, areola, nipples, inner thighs, and body skin of any one of the self-synthesis of hemoglobin, and smooth circulation, the black sink to drain away the house of pigment, so that the paint in the skin of a natural powder 1 minute Run Nenhong
Snemei Pink Magic cream 3 pcs set - 1 minute to youthful pink
2009 hottest! Popular in Korea! cherry blossom PINK MAGIC
@ natural, 8 seconds natural PINK. Results quickly and clearly and lasting. Food, drinking water without embarrassment Decoloration
@ Korean patent formula, the United States bio-genetic research center, high-tech bio-extraction.
@ without artificial pigment -- natural health. Quick PINK the lips, dark lips, white lips, anemia lips, lip melanoma, repair, dry winter and spring patterns and more.
Packet including:
(1) LB lip balm (Lip Balm) × 10ml 2oz
(2) PK Cream (Pink Magic) × 10ml 2oz
(3) SG Gloss (Shining Gel) × 10ml 2oz
Major components:
Cherry extract, balsam, lanolin, vitamin E, etc.
1) Lips: ( morning and evening each 1 time)
As the product extracted from the flowers, there is no oil, so before wiping a layer of polish on LB lip balm (Lip Balm), and then rub a thin layer evenly on the PK Cream (Pink Magic), the last available for immediate wiping Gloss SG (Shining Gel).bush after 1 minute to begin the onset, that is, natural pink see.
Beauty Tip: to enable a more perfect lips to draw lip lip contour pencil first, and then sweep on the lips gently sweep PK cream (Pink Magic), the final polish on the SG Gloss (Shining Gel), the perfect lip gloss immediately presented. Sooner or later the use of the one or more can be:
wipe 20-30 minutes, do not intentionally brush, lips so as not to affect curing effect, and sometimes wipe in the morning and one in the afternoon just rub a layer of SG Gloss (Shining Gel) can be re-emerging natural pink.
(2) the part of nipple, areola, genitals: (everyday 1 time)
Please rubbed a few hours, only rub PK cream (Pink Magic), without having to rub SG Gloss (Shining Gel). As a result pink outstanding results, and only use a small amount, it is recommended carefully rub the areola in the black, the sector will not fly, the effect more perfect.rub will not intentionally brush, you should wait until 20 minutes to absorb the natural air-dry, can also be used directly blowing hairdryer 2-3 minutes, totally absorbed with his hands after touching wear underwear, so as not to wash clothes, rub a few like this rub the lips, the direct use of tube brush or cotton bud mouth Sassafras, as the finger touch has pink skin, so to avoid the finger dip and clothing, it was dry skin can be rubbed LB (lip Balm) for base
As a result of PK cream (Pink Magic) will stimulate the skin pigment synthesis of self-PINK, when the continuous rubbing nipple areola / perineum three months later, even after 3 months do not rub, and will continue PINK a natural, very pleasant surprise !
PK Cream (Pink Magic) is a super-concentrated uranium, each time wiping out of a site only six millimeters.
PK Cream (Pink Magic) in Southeast Asia after the market introduction of multi-national, multi-national Ms. highly popular in Southeast Asia, many Women have to buy 2 sets at the same time, a lip brush, a brush body, the make love at the hands of countless Women .
Lips: lip balm before applying Lip Balm Moisturizer, re-use PINK Su-Pink Magic evenly applied, together with a layer of Shining Gel, wait 1 minute after PINK immediately see, in 20-30 minutes to be dried naturally, the hand touch to complete absorption, can be dressed. If the afternoon of the need for qualification, just painted shining gel. Use Tips: When applying Pink Magic, if a better and lasting results in 20-30 minutes, not to deliberately wipe. Attractive pearl pink lips pop. Sooner or later the use of time, rub 20 to 30 minutes, not to deliberately wipe, so as not to affect the effect of curing lips.
Beautiful Small Steps "> If you want to make more perfect lips, you can use lip brush James Su-painted lips pink, then Su-pink applied directly to the lips, rubbing on the final moisturizing oil, can be a perfect natural attractive pink lips.
Take appropriate pink Su-Pink Magic, shining black areola and inner thighs, do not fly community,rub after 20 minutes waiting for the absorption of air-dry naturally, or directly with hairdryer blowing 2 to 3 minutes, completely absorbed can no longer wear underwear.
Beautiful Small Steps ">as a result of Su-stained fingers after the skin will be pink to, it is proposed to rub inside the areola and thighs can be the same as wiping the lips, mouth directly TUBE rub rub or use cotton bud in order to avoid contaminated fingers or clothing.
The use of period: 1-2 times per day, for 3 months, 6 months can be maintained, continuing the use of half a year, can be maintained up to 1 year. Not: pregnancy and breast-feeding women to avoid taking the baby.
SMS FOR ORDER : 0818428081